​Uplifting humanity

Help for the Andes Foundation 

Nurse assistant certification for 44 students

On May 2nd after the completion of the 6-month studies which includes 240 pedagogic hours, 44 immigrant students received their Nurse Assistant Certification. This certification of studies was given by the Help for the Andes Foundation in partnership with the Institute Carlos Casanueva and the Wiener University. 

In the background where our students come from, most don't even reach high school, now we have 44 more woman migrants with a higher level of education! This is a great accomplishment for all of them, and we are very content.

The project coordinator has pointed out how proud she was of the students who graduated, and how many who have passed our courses previously, have had job opportunities opening up even before receiving their certification!

The project keeps growing and in a few months another group of woman will be up here proudly receiving their certification.